Thursday, September 20, 2012

my friends will be there

Women are social creatures, really? news flash! You already knew that silly!

So it's really no wonder that we do so much better and are inspired to work a little harder in a group when it comes to exercise as well. I know for certain I run faster with my running buddy than on my own, it's an unstated challenge or extra adreneline, or maybe it's just that I'm not thinking about my legs burning when chatting away. I've also been know to pass an exit from time to time when another women is in the car too! ahmmm

Just to test this theory, and make sure it's not just me, I did a survey. Yup, plopped the question up on facebook. "Do you work out harder alone or in a group?" Overwhelming response? "In a group" That was one of my most responded to posts, and not a single person answered alone.

There are also actual studies that show this to be true, but no need for all that now. If you haven't already, go out and find an exercise group, a walking partner, a stoller fitness class, a running team. And make friends so you can look forward to your next workout.

National organizations & ideas for searching your local: - enter "womens fitness" in your area

Know of a group? Comment & I'll add them to the list!

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