Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We're just really busy right now

I cannot even begin to count the number of times I've heard this from another mom. And yet, I find myself getting ready to use this excuse for falling behind in my blogging.

The kids just started school, Fall sports and I'm in the middle of starting a new Moms In Motion season, and my husband is traveling for work...and and and you know the drill.

There is just never enough time for everything, and mom usually falls to the bottom. So let's rally, remind ourselves why we should move a few of our needs back up to the top and heaven forbid make fitness a priority!

One of the few times I was sitting, maybe even relaxing in 2011, I picked up a USA weekend paper and saw this great article with the quote I love.

"want to be more active...You have to make exercise just as important as grocery shopping, carpooling and even going to work. " USA weekend dec 30,2011

Everytime I read that it makes me put the workout, the run, the class, the foam roller session...back on my calendar. Really, no one will notice if I foam roll for 5 minutes right now and let the tshirts in the laundry basket get wrinkled. It's OK.

If that doesn't work, I adjust my personal expectations. Can't run 6 miles today because the fridge repair guy is coming in 60 minutes? Ok, run for 30 min, take a 2 min shower and be ok with wet hair answering the door. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing when it comes to exercise.

There's my soap box for readers..what are you going to move back up on the list today?

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