Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm living, I'm living

I have officially changed my mantra while running from "I'm dying, I'm dying, OMG I'm dying" to....

"I'm living, I'm living"

It's working much better in fact. It's long been my approach to life that a positive view point is the way to go. But as you know that's not so easy in all situations. Being called in to see artwork to discover it's on the walls, anything unexpected involving poop or throw up included.

Tough workouts are especially good at pulling out those negative thoughts. Especially while trying something new, running farther, doing speed work, hearing the instructor at the gym start ANOTHER set of get the picture.

When I went out for a run this morning (my first solo run with kids back in school...guilty yea!) I tried to focus on a facebook post I saw this week....

When I did that. I was amazed at how much different I felt. Repeating "I'm living" and thinking about how i couldn't run at all a year and half a go without pain, about how I thought running was too hard as a teenage, about others who have disabilities that keep them from running and about all those who just won't. That all changes the focus to a much more positive state of mind, and makes me push that much harder, run that much farther...and smile.

Keep movin' mamas!

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