Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fitness Takes No Holiday

As the Elk Grove mommymuscle group gets ready to start the Fitness takes no holiday promotion this month, I find myself looking through all the motivationals tips, articles, fitness facts, and quotes I can find. Check out this great article:

Health and Fitness take no Holiday!

The average American will gain four pounds between Halloween and New Year’s Day. Doesn’t sound like much? It’s just about enough to push you up to the next clothing size! From picking at the trick-or-treat candy and nibbling our way through Thanksgiving to “just a couple” canapés at the neighborhood Christmas party and a few too many nachos during a bowl game, the holidays are a minefield of calorific temptation. So how do you make sure the jeans you’re wearing now still fit in January? Moderation and exercise, of course!

One of the problems that comes with the holidays is increased stress. Where to spend them? What to buy? How can we accommodate everyone and make this the “dream” holiday we see on TV? Add it all up and our own health takes a back burner to our need to please those we love. As you already know, stress causes the body to release cortisol, a hormone that makes you feel jittery and fatigued – and causes your body to store fat. That’s not helpful when you’re faced with that party buffet! If you can’t find ways to cut your stress, try fighting fire with fire – add another 15 to 20 minutes to your daily workout. You’ll accomplish two things: flushing out that icky cortisol, and burning off an extra butter cookie or two.

If just thinking about adding exercise to your already-stretched holiday schedule causes you to stress out now, here are a few tips to help you get it done.

• Make sure you do both cardio and strength training. The combination will burn off calories and increase your metabolism – a great one-two punch for fighting that increase in calories. Head to your local StrollerFit® class to get both cardio and strength all in one workout!
• Sign up for a holiday sporting event. Runs and walks abound, and you can turn it into a family tradition. Or make a good game of touch football a staple of your family gatherings.
• No time for fitness on the holidays themselves? Enjoy your day of rest but have scheduled in a workout time for the days following.
• Check out StrollerFit’s new class restore the core™, not only will it shrink your waistline this holiday season but also teaches participants to breathe properly and maintain good posture. Proper breathing relieves stress and good posture will make all of those holiday photo ops a little less painful!
• Join forces with a buddy or a relative who needs a little positive reinforcement. Keep each other honest by checking in and providing discreet nudges to discourage that second trip to the dessert table. Make workout dates with your holiday health buddy and increase your chances of showing up for that session!
• Designate yourself as the driver who will not indulge in the alcohol. You’ll build good karma and keep yourself from an alcohol-driven junk food binge.
• Think of fitness as the holiday gift you are giving yourself!

Remind yourself that good health never takes a holiday! That doesn’t mean depriving yourself of all the fun this season brings – it just means making wise choices and finding ways to counteract not-so-wise ones. You do have willpower, self-control and the ability to do the right thing for your body. So skip the second helping, put down the “fun-sized” Halloween left- overs, and get to an exercise class. You’ll start the New Year looking great and feeling incredible!

StrollerFit® powered by mommymuscle® and restore the core™ classes are held nationwide, to find a class near you, visit today!

Fitness takes no holiday promotion begins Nov 23rd!!!

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