Friday, August 31, 2012

Fabulous Friday Fitness Challenge

It's Friday! If you are here, I know you're ready to spend the next 5 minutes movin'. Welcome, congratulations on taking 5 minutes just for you.

Before we get to the moving part, I have an extra "challenge," a bonus...yea! Become a bonafid follower of moms with muscle. Look to the right, enter your email in the box that says "Follow by email." Then you'll receive an email with each post. Or click the blue box that says "Join this site." Shameless plea I know, but followers make the world go round. And it makes me happy to know someone is out there on the world wide internet reading my challenges. =)

Now back to our regularly scheduled programing...

Contrary to common belief, the abs are not just one set of muscles. There are several layers of muscle in there that work together and seperately to support, protect, twist and bend our spine. Today we'll focus on the obliques that run along our sides and reach into the center of our bodies.

I have always called this exercise Monkey, possibly a tribute to when I taught a class with mommies and little ones. Sounds be the judge.

  • Stand up! Feet hips width apart, shoulders down and back, pelvis neutral, arms at your sides.
  • Inhale as you lower your right shoulder toward your right hip, reaching your hand toward your right knee.
  • Exhale as you pull yourself back to center.
  • Repeat on the left, that's one.
  • Repeat 25 times. Rest. Repeat 25 times.


comment when you are done.

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