Monday, November 15, 2010

Peer pressure takes over

After lots of encouragement from my friends and fellow MIMs, I finally spent the $27.99 to purchase the photo of myself jumping over fire, (yup fire!) at the Warrior Dash. I am notoriously cheap and may not have done so otherwise, but finally decided it was worth it.
Women tend to work very hard without giving credit to themselves. Especially when it comes to their athletic abilities, always giving an excuse, rarely giving credit where credit is due. You know what I mean..."Oh I could never run, I only walk." Or, "I can't keep up with her, she's way too fast." "a 10k, forget it, how far is that?!?"

And then, we prove ourselves wrong and do the things we didn't think we could. I have seen women begin with MIM as walkers, cruising along at a comfortable, slow, relaxed pace, turn into some of our most competitive runners! Women who couldn't run more than a few feet, run entire 5K's in just a few seasons! Women who came to MIM planning to walk their first 5K, and winding up completing a triathlon the next season. You are making it happen, toot your own horn now and then. Even if it's as small as calling yourself a runner.
Do you get out there and run (there is no pace required) several times a week? By golly, you ARE a runner! Tell other people that and you may even begin to believe it yourself and commit more to your running.

So, I decided that if I'm going to do an event where I jump over fire, then I should do what I say and buy the darn thing to show off. So be ready to see lots of this silly, fun, crazy photo, cause I'm posting it all over the place.

What are you proud of?


  1. LOVE it Wendy! You are awesome! And I'd so love to do this event next year. It looks like you had a great time.

  2. LOVE this pic...and I'm so glad you treated yourself (and all of us) to the amazing photo! When is this event next year? Maybe I'll come do it with you so I can say, "I ran through fire! "


  3. Awesome! Love the picture! I'm so glad you got it! Looks like a super crazy fun event!
