One mom, who shall remain nameless unless one of you call her out or she does so herself, was so excited to show everyone how she now has definition in her shoulders. OOOOo, Ahhhh! That sparked another mom to point out how her biceps just showed up. More oooo, ahhhhs.
This morning, a past client, posted on facebook how someone at the gym called her the "Amazing Push up girl!" and thanked me for getting her to do pushups the past few years.
Last Saturday, a mom who was entirely unsure about committing to a relay team for Urban cow a month ago, completed 5.6 miles!
Not only do I LOVE being around a fun, supportive group of women, but I LOVE seeing clients earn their rewards. Results may at first seem vain, but I believe they are evidence of women building self confidence. And that is something, I LOVE to be part of.
This is why I'm adding in a fitness challenge to our Fall Moms in Motion season.
Both Strength, core team members and run/walk team members will participate. We'll have 8 weeks to build strength, endurance, improve our nutrition and make a commitment to ourselves to earn measurable results.
Fitness challenges are sooo much fun! Not only does it give you a reasonable time period to focus on a goal, but renews your dedication to fitness, allows another opportunity to support your teammates, educates us all on the WHYs of exercise and makes us think about what we are eating.
Part of the challenge will be making healthy changes in our nutrition. Juice Plus+ will sponsor, by providing prizes to all who complete the challenge! Watch for more on this.

So let's get started! Let me know you're in, RSVP for the info meeting on 10/12, bring a few friends, and here we go.
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